
No One Cares, You Overpaid Clown.

I know it's a late to the punch, but I just want to say that Lebron James is an egotistical piece of shit. His commercial asks us the question,  "What should I [James] do?" Here's an idea, how about shutting the hell up, you conceited jackass. Just to put things into perspective, I, a guy who constantly refers to himself as the greatest person who ever lived, am saying he has a huge ego. Anyway, here's the problem I have with him: he puts out this commercial, as if anyone gives a rat's ass. He's a professional athlete, which is probably the most useless kind of person in world. Seriously, even homeless bums at least make everyone else feel a little bit better about themselves as they travel home from working in a cubicle for eight hours a day for some jackass who got his position by stepping on backs of everyone around him and kissing his boss's ass when he's not screwing around on the job, which he can get away with because he's related to one of the executives and is well connected enough that he can take a dump in the water cooler and not get fired, but if anyone else shows up two seconds late more than once a year, heads will roll, but I digress. Seriously, he makes millions of dollars playing a game I mastered at the age of five. Ok, I didn't master it, but I did play it back then. Why should he make that much money for acting like a child, when so many others with jobs that actually matter get paid significantly less than they deserve. What an asshole.

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